David Holway from University of California, San Diego - S1E4 - Ants, Ants, Revolution
Full interview with David Holway from UCSD, Department of Biological Sciences. David was a guest on episode 4 of Device: Ants, Ants, Revolution.
HUGE CORRECTION. Repeatedly I refered to David as Dr. Holloway rather than his correct name, HOL-WAY. Apologies, David! Sometimes my mind and my mouth don’t have a clean line of communication between them.
Dr. HOLWAY’s website: http://holwaylab.com/
Morning Glories, Argentine ants, and pollinators: https://esajournals.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1890/14-0542.1
Papers about the Argentine ant:
How much human development supports the Argentine ant and displaces native species: https://www.life.illinois.edu/suarez/publications/HolwaySuarez2006BiolCon.pdf
Why the Argentine ant is so good at displacing other ants: http://www.life.illinois.edu/ib/453/Comm%20Ecol%20papers/Holway.pdf
The broader picture of ant invasions: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Lori_Lach/publication/297345408_The_causes_and_consequences_of_ant_invasions/links/56e6aa4608aedb4cc8af6f25/The-causes-and-consequences-of-ant-invasions.pdf